Proposed Bylaw Changes

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(A) Officers Salaries. Effective 3/1/95 [1] The President shall receive a full top grade Letter Carrier’s salary, City Carrier 2, plus an additional sum of the $188.00 per pay period. This additional sum of $188.00 will become a fixed part of the President’s salary, effective immediately. He/she shall further enjoy the entire Government fringe benefits appreciated by any letter carrier. He/she shall be granted the maximum for a letter carrier car contract. The branch shall pay the total amount for Social Security, both the Employee and Employer’s part and membership dues. [2] the Vice-President shall be paid a salary of $375.00 per month, payable monthly. [3] the Branch Recording Secretary shall be paid a salary of $332.00 per month, payable monthly. [4] the Assistant Secretary-Editor shall be paid a salary of $282.00 per month payable monthly. [5] the Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall be paid a salary of $375.00 per month, payable monthly. [6] the Safety and Health Officer shall be paid a salary of $219.00, per month payable monthly [7] the MBA, HBR and NSBA Representative shall be paid a salary of $125.00 per month, payable monthly. [8] The branch Trustees shall be paid a fee $50.00 monthly. [9] the Sergeant at Arms shall be paid a fee of $50.00 per month payable monthly. [10] the Director of Retirees shall be paid a salary of $125.00 per month, payable monthly. (B) Any officer or steward serving the branch in a LWOP status for an accumulated period of eighty (80) work hours or more must submit their vouchers for payment within forty-five days of this accumulation or Branch 78 will not be responsible for this payment of lost Sick and/or Annual Leave.

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(A) Officers Salaries. Effective 3/1/95 [1] The President shall receive a full top grade Letter Carrier’s salary, City Carrier 2, plus an additional sum of the $188.00 per pay period. This additional sum of $188.00 will become a fixed part of the President’s salary, effective immediately. He/she shall further enjoy the entire Government fringe benefits appreciated by any letter carrier. He/she shall be granted the maximum for a letter carrier car contract. The branch shall pay the total amount for Social Security, both the Employee and Employer’s part and membership dues. [2] the Vice-President shall be paid a salary of $375.00 per month, payable monthly. [3] the Branch Recording Secretary shall be paid a salary of $332.00 per month, payable monthly. [4] the Assistant Secretary-Editor shall be paid a salary of $282.00 per month payable monthly. [5] the Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall be paid a salary of $375.00 per month, payable monthly. [6] the Safety and Health Officer shall be paid a salary of $219.00, per month payable monthly [7] the MBA, HBR and NSBA Representative shall be paid a salary of $125.00 per month, payable monthly. [8] The branch Trustees shall be paid a fee $50.00 monthly. [9] the Sergeant at Arms shall be paid a fee of $50.00 per month payable monthly. [10] the Director of Retirees shall be paid a salary of $125.00 per month, payable monthly. Any full time officer that is enrolled in Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) the branch will match the employee’s contribution up to 5% of the employee’s base salary in a 401K plan of the employee’s choice. The employee will be allowed to contribute up to the maximum allowance under the IRS guidelines. This will take effect September 1, 2016.

(B) Any officer or steward serving the branch in a LWOP status for an accumulated period of eighty (80) work hours or more must submit their vouchers for payment within forty-five days of this accumulation or Branch 78 will not be responsible for this payment of lost Sick and/or Annual Leave. 


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Each Carrier Unit shall have one of its members as a station steward for each fifty (50) carriers or portion there of. The member of his/her respective station when no election is held shall be designated by the Branch President. His/her duties shall be to report the sick members to the branch office and to transact any and all business of the branch that may be referred to him /her. The election of said steward shall be conducted as provided in Article V, Section 2 of N.A.L.C. constitution for government of subordinate branches. He/she shall be the only authorized person to perform these duties for him/her, providing that if he/she is on sick leave, scheduled day off, or vacation, he/she may designate some other member of the unit to perform these duties for him/ her and must be certified by the Branch President. Should a steward transfer to another unit or personally request to be relieved of his/her duties, or a majority of the membership requests a new steward, an election will be held.


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Each Finance Unit shall have one of its members as a station steward for each fifty (50) carriers or portion there of. If a finance Unit has more than 50 members the steward that receives the most votes will be declared the chief steward of the Finance Unit. The member of his/her respective station when no election is held shall be designated by the Branch President. His/her duties shall be to report the sick members to the branch office and to transact any and all business of the branch that may be referred to him /her. The election of said steward shall be conducted as provided in Article V, Section 2 of N.A.L.C. constitution for government of subordinate branches. He/she shall be the only authorized person to perform these duties for him/her, providing that if he/she is on sick leave, scheduled day off, or vacation, he/she may designate some other member of the unit to perform these duties for him/ her and must be certified by the Branch President. Should a steward transfer to another unit or personally request to be relieved of his/her duties, or a majority of the membership requests a new steward, an election will be held.





NALC smartphone app now available


New Members (8-6-16)