NALC Buckeye Branch 78 Columbus Ohio

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Proposed By Law Changes

The following proposed bylaw changes were read at the Branch meeting July 11th.  They will be read again August 8th, then voted upon at the Branch meeting on September 12th.

Currently Reads:



(a) The expense of any elected delegate from Branch 78 to any convention shall be paid in the following manner:

(b) For a State convention, each delegate attending shall be paid the current Federal Standard Mileage Rate, to and from the convention city, plus lodging, plus $37.00 (thirty-seven) per diem for the duration of the convention.

(c) For a National Convention, within two (2) months after the election of delegates, the President shall instruct the trustees to determine the most economical transportation and housing accommodations for the elected delegates attending the National Convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers. The Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall then estimate the approximate amount in the delegate fund by the first of the month of the convention. Any convention site under the three hundred (300) miles shall be by surface rate; over three hundred (300) miles by air rate. The total cost of transportation and housing, plus $37.00 (thirty-seven) per diem for the duration of the convention shall then be totaled. This figure shall then be divided into the approximate amount in the delegate fund by the first of receive funds from the delegate fund in the following manner; starting with the delegate receiving the month of the National Convention. This formula will then determine the number of delegates to highest number of votes and then following through in the order of votes received, until the delegate fund is expended. If applicable, the President Emeritus shall be a full paid officer to the convention if he/she would not displace any of the top 15 delegates. The amount received and the number of delegates to receive funds shall be announced at the next meeting following the meeting of the committee. A delegate must attend the convention in its entirety to be eligible to receive funds. The chairman shall keep the attendance record of all delegates attending the National Convention.

Proposed change:



(a) The expense of any elected delegate from Branch 78 to any convention shall be paid in the following manner:

(b) For a State convention, each delegate attending shall be paid the current Federal Standard Mileage Rate, to and from the convention city, plus lodging, plus $37.00 (thirty-seven) $50.00 (fifty) per diem for the duration of the convention.

(c) For a National Convention, within two (2) months after the election of delegates, the President shall instruct the trustees to determine the most economical transportation and housing accommodations for the elected delegates attending the National Convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers. The Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall then estimate the approximate amount in the delegate fund by the first of the month of the convention. Any convention site under the three hundred (300) miles shall be by surface rate; over three hundred (300) miles by air rate. The total cost of transportation and housing, plus $37.00 (thirty-seven)  $50.00 (fifty) per diem for the duration of the convention shall then be totaled. This figure shall then be divided into the approximate amount in the delegate fund by the first of receive funds from the delegate fund in the following manner; starting with the delegate receiving the month of the National Convention. This formula will then determine the number of delegates to highest number of votes and then following through in the order of votes received, until the delegate fund is expended. Using this estimation, the Financial Secretary-Treasurer will determine the number of delegates to attend the convention based on the number of votes received, starting with the highest in order until the delegate fund is expended. If applicable, the President Emeritus shall be a  full paid officer to the convention if he/she would not displace any of the top 15 delegates. guest of Buckeye Branch 78 to any convention. The cost of sending the President Emeritus to the convention will be taken from the general fund of the branch. The amount received and the number of delegates to receive funds shall be announced at the next meeting following the meeting of the committee. A delegate must attend the convention in its entirety to be eligible to receive funds. The chairman Branch President will appoint someone to keep the attendance record of all delegates attending the National Convention.


Currently reads:


SECTION 11 Other than a National or State convention any member attending authorized seminars, meetings, trips or other Branch functions, $37.00 per diem will be paid in addition to travel and lodging expenses from the Branch Funds.

Proposed change:


SECTION 11 Other than a National or State convention any member attending authorized seminars, meetings, trips or other Branch functions, $37.00 $50.00 per diem will be paid in addition to travel and lodging expenses from the Branch Funds


Currently reads:


 SECTION 2 (a) For services rendered for organizational expense, all non-full time officers and stewards shall be paid two hours of base pay Q-1 per month (semi annually). (b) Stewards shall also receive the following funds semi-annually. $20.00 per monthly branch meeting attended; $30.00 per monthly stewards meeting attended. (c) Anyone holding a dual position cannot be paid more than once for attending the same meeting.

Proposed change:


 SECTION 2 (a) For services rendered for organizational expense, all non-full time officers and stewards shall be paid two hours of base pay at Q-1, Step O from table 1, per month (semi annually). (b) Stewards shall also receive the following funds semi-annually. $20.00 per monthly branch meeting attended; $30.00 per monthly stewards meeting attended. (c) Anyone holding a dual position cannot be paid more than once for attending the same meeting.


Currently reads:


 SECTION 7 To be eligible for funds all delegates except the President, Vice President and President Emeritus must attend nine (9) of the twelve (12) branch meetings and sign the attendance sheet (July through June) preceding each convention (National or State). Effective July 1993 a retiree, who is not a branch officer to receive funds from the Branch to be a paid delegate to any convention (National or State) shall be determined by the ratio of one (1) to seven (7) or a major portion thereof. The President Emeritus shall not factor into this formula. The retiree must fulfill the requirements of any other elected delegate. The placement on the selected delegate list shall determine the number of retirees who are not branch officers by the above ratio to attend any convention. Any retired member who is an officer of the branch shall be considered as an active member and his position on the delegate list shall be determined by the number of votes received.

Proposed change:


SECTION 7 To be eligible for funds all delegates except the President and Vice President and President Emeritus must attend nine (9) of the twelve (12) branch meetings and sign the attendance sheet. (July through June) preceding each convention (National or State). Effective July 1993 Starting with the 2020 National Convention, the eligibility period will be January through December preceding each convention (National or State). A retiree, who is not a branch officer to receive funds from the Branch to be a paid delegate to any convention (National or State) shall be determined by the ratio of one (1) to seven (7) or a major portion thereof. The retiree must fulfill the requirements of any other elected delegate. The placement on the selected delegate list shall determine the number of retirees who are not branch officers by the above ratio to attend any convention. Any retired member who is an officer of the branch shall be considered as an active member and his position on the delegate list shall be determined by the number of votes received.