NALC Buckeye Branch 78 Columbus Ohio

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Proposed Bylaws

The following proposed bylaws were approved by the membership (03-13-19). They’ll be sent to National for final approval, and if approved, they’ll be adopted by the branch.

Current language


SECTION 6 Line of succession of officers. In the event of a disaster or the inability of any officer to physically or mentally discharge his duties for the remainder of their term in office the following will be the line of succession, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Asst. Secretary-Editor, Financial-Secretary Treasurer, Director of Safety and Health, Sergeant-at Arms, Director of Retirees, M.B.A. Health Representative, Head Trustee.

Proposed change:


SECTION 6 Line of succession of officers. In the event of a disaster or the inability of any officer to physically or mentally discharge his duties for the remainder of their term in office the following will be the line of succession, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Asst. Secretary-Editor, Financial-Secretary Treasurer, Director of Safety and Health, M.B.A. Health Representative, Head Trustee, Sergeant-at Arms, Director of Retirees.

Current language



(a) Every Member shall have the right to nominate a candidate for any position to be filled.

(b) each candidate shall be nominated at a regular or special meeting of the branch not less

than four (4) weeks before the date of the election, but not less than ten (10) days after the notice of nomination and election has been sent out. (c) Election of Branch officers and delegates shall be by mail in ballot. The Election Committee will use the procedures as written in the N.A.L.C. regulations governing Branch Election Procedure handbook. When there are two (2) or more candidates for any office at least twenty (20) days before the announced Election Date which is the Regular Branch meeting in December, the second Wednesday of the month, the Election Committee, chosen by the Branch President, will mail, FIRST CLASS to all eligible members, at each members last known address:

A. Instructions for voting and the deadline for returning marked ballots.

B. A ballot.

C. A Plain envelope marked “SECRET BALLOT”.

D. A PREPAID BUSINESS REPLY OR STAMPED envelope, addressed to a U. S.

Post Office Box, previously rented by the Election Committee Chairman.


Proposed change:



(a) Every Member shall have the right to nominate a candidate for any position to be filled.

(b) each candidate shall be nominated at a regular or special meeting of the branch not less

than four (4) weeks before the date of the election, but not less than ten (10) days after the notice of nomination and election has been sent out. (c) Election of Branch officers and delegates shall be by mail in ballot. The Election Committee will use the procedures as

written in the N.A.L.C. regulations governing Branch Election Procedure handbook. When there are two (2) or more candidates for any office at least twenty (20) days before the announced Election Date which is the Regular Branch meeting in December, the second Wednesday of the month, the Election Committee, chosen by the Branch President, will mail, FIRST CLASS to all eligible members, at each members last known address. The return address on the envelope will be a separate PO Box purchased by the branch. The Chairman of the election committee will be responsible for checking this PO Box once every week including the day of the election.


A. Instructions for voting and the deadline for returning marked ballots.

B. A ballot.

C. A Plain envelope marked “SECRET BALLOT”.

D. A PREPAID BUSINESS REPLY OR STAMPED envelope, addressed to a U. S.

Post Office Box, previously rented by the Election Committee Chairman.

Current language



(a) LWOP and hourly union work shall be equal to base pay Q-2 step O. (b) The Vice-

President when attending to official business of the branch shall be compensated for lost time. He/she shall also replace the President at the President’s hourly wage when the President is unable to perform his duties for either sickness, annual leave, or any other acceptable reason. He/she shall certify to the correctness of all bills incurred. The same shall apply to any member who has been duly authorized by the branch President or membership and the same shall be paid out of the General Fund of the Branch. Time lost can only apply when it replaces a normal work-day.


Proposed change:



(a) LWOP and hourly union work shall be equal to base pay at Table 1 Q-2 step O. (b) The Vice President shall replace the President when the President is unable to perform his duties for either sickness, annual leave, or any other acceptable reason. He/she shall certify to the correctness of all bills incurred. The same shall apply to any member who has been duly authorized by the branch President or membership and the same shall be paid out of the General Fund of the Branch.