We need District 12 & 15 assistance

Each year the NALC and Branch 78 makes a legislative trip to Washington D.C. to talk to our Congressional leadership about how important our jobs our. We must do this of our own accord because of the Hatch act. Yet it's importance is of an extreme nature this year.

We never seem to have enough members to go to Troy Balderson's office (District 12) or Steve Stivers office (15th district). I'm reaching out to you the stewards to see if any members from these representative office's would like to go to Washington D.C. this year.

The requirement is a single class at the union hall on Sunday March 15th from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Room and transportation (van) will be provided through the LCPF. Please reach out to Todd or myself if you have any questions or would consider attending or know of a member who might consider going.

Again it is extremely important we have three or four letter carriers attending from Mr. Stivers and Mr. Balderson's. Thank you for your consideration.


Yep, 7 more conversions


New Members (01-08-2020)