NALC Buckeye Branch 78 Columbus Ohio

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Do your part

For those of you who are questioning the USPS possibly shutting are correct to be concerned.


1. USPS employees over 600,000 people

2. Within that 600,000 over one third are veterans

3. Not one penny comes from taxpayer dollars

4. 1970...USPS began the road to self-funding. Which means that stamp or that package is what pays our wages

5. By law, we are Constitutionally obligated to deliver to every house six days a week.

6. Over 60% of the packages we do deliver...start with either UPS, Fed Ex, or DHL ( it's not feasible, nor are they obligated to deliver everywhere)

7. Rural America depends on the USPS for their essentials, this includes medicine, food, packages.

8. The elderly, too, depend on the USPS for what they are unable to get out and get themselves- again..medicine, food, and packages.

9. The cost to mail a letter anywhere in the US??? .55 for everyone that includes Hawaii and Alaska, try doing that with Fed Ex and UPS.

10. In 2006, Congress mandated the USPS pre-fund future health benefits and retirement for employees that will retire from the post office in 75 years....FYI...we were mandated to pay this amount in full in just ten years. No other organization has ever had to do this. When other companies were getting a bailout...the USPS was mandated to prefund this cost.

11. During this pandemic, our employees are also essential employees, but you do not see a lot of that on tv...and that's ok...we aren't asking for notoriety....just want to do our job.

Now for real stuff....we too are a business that has been devastated by this pandemic. We have asked Congress to help us, as they are helping other companies, during this time. Congress has already threatened to stop any financial help the post office is asking for.

Please do not let Congress DESTROY the American Postal Service.!!!

Please contact your representative and both senators and ask that they help the USPS

By Jackie Mitchell