NALC Buckeye Branch 78 Columbus Ohio

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COVID Memos Extended thru May 6, 2022 and A/L Carryover

– March 24, 2022 - Memorandum of understanding regarding the agreement of the national parties to allow regular work force career employees covered by the USPS-NALC National Agreement to carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2022 to leave year 2023. Provisions in the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) regarding payment of accumulated leave are not changed as a result of this MOU, which expires December 31, 2023.

  1. M-01978 – March 24, 2022 – Due to the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on staffing levels, NALC and the Postal Service have agreed the local parties may mutually elect to develop a sign-up process for full-time employees who did not, for whatever reason, sign the overtime lists during the two-week period for doing so as outlined in Article 8.5.A of the National Agreement. This MOU will expire May 6, 2022.

  2. M-01977 – March 24, 2022 – Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, NALC and the Postal Service have agreed that absent agreement otherwise at the Formal A level or regional/area level, time limits for appealing grievances to Step B of the grievance-arbitration procedure and appeals to arbitration will be extended for a period of 30 days beyond those specified in the National Agreement. This additional time period will be effective on April 9, 2022, upon the expiration date of the current time limit extension agreement and will continue until May 6, 2022.

  3. M-01976 – March 24, 2022 – As a result of the continued effects of the COVID-pandemic, five previous Memorandums of Understanding (M-01910, M-01913, M-01915, M-01916 and M-01965) agreed upon by NALC and USPS have been extended through May 6, 2022.