2023 Nominations

President - Todd Hornyak (nominated by Doug Gulley), Eli Turner (nominated by Tony Sobony)

Vice President - Mark Beach (nominated by Dean Peruzzi), won by acclamation

Recording Secretary - Trevor Payne (nominated by Gary Porter), won by acclamation

Asst. Secretary/Editor - Yana Miller-Farney (nominated by Dean Peruzzi), won by acclamation

Financial Secretary/Treasurer - Ramon Lawson (nominated by Todd Hornyak), won by acclamation

Safety & Health - Gary Porter (nominated by Trevor Payne), won by acclamation

Sgt at Arms - Jacki Mitchell (nominated by Brenda Stidams), won by acclamation

Dir. of Retirees - Val Davis (nominated by Gary Porter), won by acclamation

MBA Health Benefits - Dean Peruzzi (nominated by Mark Beach), won by acclamation


Kelsey Crosbie (nominated by Jeremy Hirschfelt), Jeremy Hirschfelt (nominated by Charles Sanders), Charles Sanders (nominated by Jeremy Hirschfelt), Jeff Stiverson (nominated by Allan Moore Sr), Brenda Stidams (nominated by Jacki Mitchell), Stevie Bryant (nominated by Leala Harris), Don Shepherd (nominated by Gary Porter), Cody Perisol (nominated by Debbie Brown), Rod Robinson (nominated by Charles Sanders), Myron Miller (nominated by Jacki Mitchell), Eric Kennedy (nominated by Jacki Mitchell), Dilien Miller (nominated by Victoria Wessa)

Delegates: A motion was made and passed that everyone in attendance (at the meeting and on Zoom) would automatically be listed as a delegate. The following were nominated from the floor: Doug Gulley (nominated by Myron Miller), Ed Ralston (nominated by Jacki Mitchell), Tamara Hinkle-Moore (nominated by Allan Moore Sr), Damon Ford (nominated by Leala Harris), Flordiza Merendo (nominated by Rick Merendo), Cole Burton (nominated by Jacki Mitchell), Brian Ball (nominated by Charles Sanders), Shanae Craddolph (nominated by Stevie Bryant), Jeff Wycuff (nominated by Ramon Lawson)


Million Mile Awards (Whitehall)


Million Mile Award (Upper Arlington)