NALC Buckeye Branch 78 Columbus Ohio

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We currently received this email and I thought it was interesting.

Hello NALC Branch 78 Columbus, OH!!!

I hope this finds you well. My name is Daniel Clavijo and it was suggested to me that I contact you in hopes that you would be interested in sharing a passion project of mine which is to get a LEGO version of a USPS Mail Truck LLV made into a real set.

You can find the information for the project on this page...

…or by searching via Google. It should be the first result when searching “lego ideas usps” and my project was submitted under the username dacarquitecto and was submitted on October 21, 2022.

I’ve also created a pamphlet which can be found via this Google Drive link along with images of the proposed set…

It needs 10,000 votes in order to have a chance at becoming a real set. If you can share it at your USPS branch, I would greatly appreciate it. I see it as an iconic vehicle with a place in automobile and US History and a tribute to the great service of the USPS!

If I can answer any questions, please let me know.

Thank you!