NALC Buckeye Branch 78 Columbus Ohio

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NBA Spring Newsletter 2023

Region 11 Spring 2023

For the NALC and the USPS, challenges and opportunities appear to be the mantra of 2023.  One of the main challenges is the competitive demand for employees in a low unemployment environment.  Hiring and retention challenges are major factors the USPS (and many other industries) are facing.  According to the Department of Labor, the current National unemployment rate is an astonishing low 3.4%.  The Veteran unemployment rate is even lower at 2.5%.  Bottom line, the USPS needs to be more creative and competitive in attracting new and retaining its current employees to provide a stable and efficient workforce to carry out its mission to deliver the Nation’s mail.  The opportunity in this is that we have just opened negotiations for our sixteenth collective bargaining agreement.  We have a unique opportunity to negotiate with Postal Management to craft an agreement that will be fair for all parties and address our challenges.  If we cannot reach a voluntary agreement, the NALC is well prepared to pursue a fair agreement via binding interest arbitration. 

In other challenges effecting Letter Carriers, the USPS has begun implementing some of their “Sorting and Delivery Centers” (S&DC).   S&DC’s are part of the PMG’s ten year “Delivering for America” plan.  The premise of the S&DC’s are to move City Letter Carriers (and rural) from their smaller post offices to a larger, centrally located facility to reduce transportation and dispatch costs (and time) transporting mail between the facilities. Region 11 just had one of these facilities go live in Utica, NY on February 25, 2023.  While the new employees were met with brand new casing equipment, new “stress” mats and large LED overhead lighting, the facility was not quite ready to receive its new employees.  The PS had to set up temporary locker facilities, outdoor trailered restrooms, no “swing” room, as it is being gutted and rebuilt.  Construction crews continue to work on many items in the facility as the new carriers reported.  It remains to be seen if there will be positive outcome for the displaced employees and our customers.  For the employees - their vehicles, hot case etc., are much further away from what they were accustomed to.  It was an eye opener for them coming from a much smaller community-based post office to this very large, industrialized facility.  The one positive I did note when I visited the office was the SDUS (small delivery unit sorter).  This piece of equipment has the capability of sorting parcels and SPR’s directly to letter carrier tubs at a minimum of 2,250 per hour.  I visited the office twice and all the parcels were sorted before 7:30am!  Hopefully this equipment remains durable. 

In closing, we had some staffing changes at the Region 11 office.  RAA John Collins, Branch 63 Zanesville, OH has decided to “hang up the cleats” and retire from his position.  John was a stalwart in the field of Letter Carrier representation and contract compliance.  He maintained a work ethic that was unmatched, and he was never one to back down from a challenge.  John – you will be missed.  We wish you a very long, happy and healthy retirement!  Mike Brim from Branch 78 Columbus, OH has been assigned as the new RAA.  Mike brings his successful experience as a Regional Grievance Assistant  for Regions 11 and 6, and Arbitration Advocate to his new position.  Mike has hit the ground running and we welcome him in his new position to Team 11!